God's Unconditional Love & Grace / LEE STROBEL

In "The Case for Grace", best-selling author Lee Strobel opens up about the difficult relationship he had with his father. It was hard writing this book because Lee disclosed a lot about his life that he had never spoken in public about - his relationship with his dad.

Lee was an "unwanted pregnancy" in the family. Consequently, Lee never had much of a relationship with his dad. It got to a boiling point on the eve of his high school graduation. They got into a heated argument. It was then when his dad looked at him and said, "I don't have enough love for you to fill my little finger…"

Not knowing how to respond to that comment, Lee chose to walk away. He left home, lived in a boarding house and worked on a newspaper.

Years past and they kind of reconciled but not fully.

Lee became an atheist.

Coincidentally, Lee found out through his research on famous atheists, that the commonality they all shared was they had a father who died young, a father who divorce their mother when they were young or they have a terrible relationship with their father.

"If your earthly father has disappointed you or hurt you, then why will you want to know the heavenly father?"

It was only at his dad's funeral when Lee found out how proud his dad was of him. His dad will boast about him to all his friends. Yet Lee never knew.

However, the thing about God's grace is that God HAS told us that he loves us! It is declared all over the bible. He does not hide it.

There's nothing we can do to make Him love us less or love us more. All we have to do is just to receive it.

Have you received His grace, His love and His salvation? Give our prayers lines a call. We would love to speak with you and answer the questions you have about who this God is. You can call anytime, 1866-273-4444.

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