Caring for Impoverished Families in Cairo's Slums / Mama Maggie

Cheryl Weber interviews Mama Maggie (Maggie Gobran), who has been referred to as the "Mother Teresa of Egypt.  Mama Maggie is the Founder of Stephen's Children and has sacrificed everything to dedicate her life to helping the poor. Her mission is to love the forgotten children of Egypt's garbage slums. She is meeting short-term and long-term needs of the impoverished families in Cairo's slums.  Mama Maggie has not been well known in western culture until she recently received a Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts in Egypt. 

Born into a high profile family, Mama Maggie was well educated and privileged.  When she saw the needs of the children living in the garbage slums of Egypt, she knew that she needed to take action.  With a true heart for human suffering she left everything behind to do all that she could to help.  Mama Maggie recalls different occasions where she has been truly moved and has seen the love of God.  Mama Maggie believes "the secret to success is to open the bible on a regular basis."  She has found her happiness in serving others and feels that she has been given a rich life; "in giving there is true happiness."     

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