Hey Huntley Family, I hope you’ve had an enjoyable summer! It’s always a strange time of transition, especially when the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) also known as, The Ex, comes to an end. It’s certainly a highlight to my summer but then it hits me… the season is almost over and we’re not ready to part ways. Goodbyes are never easy, especially when we’re approaching the forced rhythms that September rings in.

While we wave goodbye to summer’s festivities, we are greeted with fresh lined papers, sharpened pencils and waxed floors, especially for faculty and students as they head into a school year of new discovery and learnings. For those working, like me, you’re possibly anticipating a strong start to a new fiscal year.

Quick internal checkpoint. How are you feeling? Whenever September came around I would feel like an assorted pencil case. Sharpened and unsharpened pencils, broken crayons, dried out pens, missing highlighter caps, you name it. There are all sorts of emotions and feelings that come with a new school year and a new fiscal year. Whether you’re a student, new teacher or returning staff member, everyone is feeling it. So that’s a good start, right? We’re all in this together already. So let’s say this together now, 1, 2, 3…

Adieu Summer 2023!

Nicole Martinez, Digital Producer at Crossroads Media for 100 Huntley Street

… and hello September rhythm!

When I was in elementary school, double-dutch was my thing. But it didn’t come easy. I didn’t know then, but I know now looking back, I needed to solo single-rope skipping and work towards double-dutch. So there I was, at recess on most days, solo skipping until I mastered the double under. What an accomplishment. Next, was group skipping. Do you remember games like, “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear”, “Cinderella Dressed in Yella”, “Helicopter”… I could definitely go on, but one game that enabled me to level up was one called, “Had a Little Sportscar”. This game required jumpers to jump out of the rope and back in. Much like what double-dutch requires. But I still didn’t get it. I remember being so disappointed because while I mastered all those solo-skipping and group-skipping games, I wasn’t ready enough to double-dutch. 

So why all the jump rope talk, Nicole?

Jumping rope requires rhythm. Whether you’re the one holding the rope or jumping to the rhythm of the holder’s rope, it’s much like a routine you need to settle into. That’s exactly what this season calls for. A new routine. We’ve been in the summer rhythm and our mental, physical and social rhythms need to be reset. 

But the question I challenge you with is, who is holding your rope?

The day I finally figured out how to double-dutch was a day I will never forget. It took some solo work, group work and perseverance, but especially trust in the one who was holding my rope. I’ll leave you with a few verses to reflect on or even display as you begin this new year!