MP Arnold Viersen | Huntley on the Road – Ottawa

Arnold Viersen is a Member of Parliament for Peace River – Westlock. MP Viersen works hard across party lines to unite all parliamentarians and raise awareness about all forms of human trafficking and exploitation. In November 2022, MP Viersen introduced Bill C-308, The National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking Act in the House of Commons and is working with a Senator to get a similar bill passed through the Senate. MP Viersen has also introduced the Stopping Internet Sexual Exploitation Act (SISE), which would require age and consent verification in pornographic material, before creation and distribution. This Bill came up for debate in April and May 2024. He is the co-chair of Canada’s All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) to End Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking which he launched in 2018 and will be sharing about their work this morning.