Open Homes Hamilton

The need for affordable housing and community connection has never been more needed than now…especially for new Canadians. Open Homes Hamilton – a program of the International Association of Refugees Canada – is a multi-church network that supports refugee claimants by offering home-based hospitality. This includes pairing up a guest individual or family with a host home that is willing to house them for 4-6 months. The also offer a kinship “circle of support” through volunteer church “companions” – who walk along side of them offering practical help. The program has helped 115 guests from 21 countries in the past 6 years. The work with more than 18 local churches to help build a sense of belonging and community for these guests. In 2023 – 5.1% of people in shelters in Canada were refugees or refugee claimants up from 2% the previous year (Stats Canada)