Thank God for Freedom | GREG MUSSELMAN

I’m so thankful that I was born and raised in Canada, enjoying the freedom to live my life, move around, choose a career, and attend church without fearing arrest or attack by a mob hostile to my faith in Jesus.

Global Perspective | Exploring Worldwide Persecution

I have visited dozens of countries worldwide in my work with The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) Canada. Over the last two decades, meeting and interviewing persecuted Christians. Many of these believers live in nations where they don’t enjoy the same kind of freedoms we have in Canada.

Today, more than 360 million Christians live in nations where they are subjected to high persecution for their faith. These believers face daily threats to their freedoms. Security, and safety in countries like China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia, to name a few. These nations consistently violate the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. There are wonderful organizations fighting for people’s freedom worldwide, and I applaud their actions. At VOM Canada, we work with our partners in nations where Christians are oppressed because of their faith. We provide help, when possible. We obtain proper legal representation and assistance with the costs they incur when they go to court, often facing false charges.

Eritrea’s Case | Meeting Imprisoned Pastors

In 2004, I met two church leaders, Haile Naizgi and Dr. Kiflu Gebremeskel. In the small East African nation of Eritrea, who have been in prison for more than 19 years! While the authoritarian Eritrean government would never admit it, it’s clear they had their freedom taken from them because of their Christian activities, which are considered a threat to their regime.

Spiritual Freedom | Prayers and Advocacy

While we pray and advocate for people to have the freedom to live their lives and for Christians in prison because of their faith to be released and reunited with their families and friends, for many, that tragically may never happen. However, many people in our country have physical freedom but are locked in their own prisons without bars. There is something much more important, and that is where we will spend eternity.

The freedom Jesus gives us is not a freedom to do whatever we want, but a freedom to do what we were created to do.

Greg Musselman

That freedom is found only in Jesus. It comes through accepting what He did on the cross as payment for our sins, and then we are indeed free and not locked in the prison of guilt and condemnation.

My Gratitude

I’m thankful that my grandparents left Norway and the United States and came to Canada so I could be born in this country, but I’m eternally thankful that Jesus left Heaven and came to this world so I could experience true freedom!

Learn More | Voice of the Martyrs Canada
For more on the ministry of The Voice of the Martyrs Canada and their work with the persecuted church, please visit

Report on Eritrea
To read the report on the persecuted church in Eritrea, go to